Sunday, October 11, 2015

Being Admin of the Official Chip Foose Fan Club

Just this year, an amazing thing happened for me and a new friend, Clifford James . We became Administrators for an on line Chip Foose Fan Club Facebook page. A pretty simple role really, but still rather time consuming.

We are in charge of approving new members that want to join. This is a closed group, and it is tailored to those who have either met Chip Foose, watched his television show Overhaulin on Velocity, or know of him through national car shows. We don't have a lot of restrictions for new members, as long as they abide by the following:

1. Be a fan of Chip Foose
2. Don't be disrespectful to other members or the group
3. Don't post irrelevant posts (No Porn, Non Chip Foose related photo's, No submissions focusing on getting your car worked on.)
4. Have fun

The best part about the Fan Club is that it continues to grow. Originally, the group had 1400 members, now we are at nearly 5 thousand as of today. There is a lot of interaction on this group. We see posts of fan club members from all over the world, we see photos of members with Chip Foose, and we see a lot of photos of users who purchase Chip Foose Fan items.

The best part is that most of the time, the members will share pictures of their own cars. A car guy or gal is a car guy or gal, and that sometimes means they are a fan of one of the world's greatest automotive designers.

Just to highlight a few of the members vehicles that have been shared, take a look below:

Here is his Post: I'd like to see Chip perform his magic on my Grandfathers 77 Cutlass that he bought new. He passed away in 2011 and I'm disabled and don't have the money to fix it.
The car has never been wrecked but it has been repainted one time.
The entire car is original.

2. Doug Kennedy - Statesville, NC

3. Donald Watson - Rolla, Missouri

4. Robert Ramirez - Valpariso, Indiana

5. Vince Tinebra - Holmdel, New Jersey

Those are just some of the members and the cars that they have shared on the group. We have members from all over the world, and as a new project, I plan to plot the locations of the members that have let me know where they are from on Google Earth and i'll have a map to share with people. 

Sometimes, being an admin does have its downs, we get rude members, or members that are bot accounts posting inappropriate posts and then we get the occasional random drop in and then leave members. 

I took the initiative this year to write a letter to Chip Foose asking if we could get official recognition as being an official Chip Foose Fan Club. Of course, this was months ago and I haven't heard a word back from him or his staff. Which, i'm not entirely surprised. He is a legend and he owns a restoration garage, plus he has national car shows to prepare for, and run a T.V. show. Who knows, it may be in a stack somewhere at his office waiting to be read and to be recognized among the other thousands of Fan Mail he receives. 

As the days go on, I will constantly work towards new ways to keep this group more interactive, potentially create events to meet and greet with Chip Foose and maybe other members from Overhaulin. 

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